Sr. Send Off, Senior Climbing Trip, Free Alumni Spot

Summer Sr. Send Off

Senior Climbing Trip

Free Alumni Spot 

It's that time of year to start planning our Summer Senior Send Off, and Senior Climbing Trip. The execution of these events will certainly be carefully considered based on the present state of the Covid Pandemic. However, we’re optimistic that we will be able to manage some form of these events.


Summer Senior Send Off- Traditionally, a senior parent volunteers to host a get-together one day during the end of May. Our last day of team practice is April 29. Any time after this is a great time to host. We gather and celebrate our graduating climbers. Please email me if you are interested in hosting and we can get the ball rolling. If it’s most prudent to not gather due to Covid, we can have a Zoom meeting where we celebrate the seniors. Parents and Sr.’s, let me know what you all think about this.  


Senior Climbing Trip- Traditionally, all seniors who want to participate get together and decide on dates, length of trip, focus of trip, location, etc. The goal is to have fun and climb. Other climbing team members who are not Seniors can also join in on the trip as long as we are not over capacity. Also, new to this years’ Senior Climbing Trip is a free slot available for one BCT alumni (see below for more details). Coach Brannon and Coach Taylor are here to help plan as needed.


Here are some trip examples the BCT has done in the past for reference:

1.     First Multipitch Experience (Castle Rocks State Park), 2 days, 2 climbers.

2.     Redpoint Roped Climbing (The Fins, Idaho), 5 days, 6 climbers

3.     Redpoint Roped Climbing (Maple Canyon, Utah), 7 days, 2 climbers

4.     Redpoint Roped Climbing (The Fins and Lava Tubes, Idaho), 3 days, 2 climbers

5.     Bouldering (Dierkes Lake, Idaho), 2 days, 8 climbers


Date Ranges: Possible dates range for this trip are mid-May to late August.


Trip Considerations: We like to encourage our seniors that the sky is the limit concerning what we are willing to make a reality. Sport climbing, bouldering, multipitch, deep water soloing, out of state, out of country… none of it is off the table. However, we’re in a unique time. This year, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to travel out of state due to Covid. It’s also possible that we will need to take these precautions:


a.     quarantine before and after the trip

b.     have individual sleeping spaces (tents, etc.).

c.     limit the trip to a small number of participants (around 6).


Alumni Slot- Covid depending, we are offering one slot to a BCT Alumni. That alumni will help Coach Brannon and Coach Taylor in executing the trip (belaying, setting up top ropes if needed, cooking, cleaning, etc). They are on the trip first and foremost as a “coach”, “helper”, and “mentor”. More details on how to apply for this will be sent. For now, please email me letting me know you’re interested.


Trip Cost- Trip cost is affected by the length, distance, and climber count of the trip. Parents, I can provide quotes along the way for trip ideas. Please communicate with me early and often and we’ll figure out what’s right for all. For reference, the last 5-day trip we did to the Fins (near Arco, Idaho) was $559. The trip cost includes:


a.     Travel to and from trip destination

b.     Breakfast and dinner during the trip


Sign up: If you’re interested in the Senior Trip, please put your name and trip ideas here.


Looking forward to an awesome Spring and Summer season.