Hard Work Wins

This post is inspired by BCT athlete Clara Bishop’s recent send of California Love at Swan Falls. Clara has been one of the most dedicated and hardest working athletes we’ve ever coached. Because of this, it’s no surprise to see her succeed. She has had a fair share of frustration and struggles in her climbing journey (injuries, plateaus, and mental battles) but her love for climbing and the process of getting better has helped her overcome. The Boise Climbing Team is especially proud because we know how much hard work Clara has put in. She works at improving her weaknesses constantly and has trained herself to have a very strong mind. 🧠

A common perspective is that an individual either has talent or they don’t- their abilities unchangeable. This is a fixed mindset. These people rarely challenge themselves with new tasks they know will be hard. They rarely work to develop and improve. They believe that talent leads to success and that dedication and effort aren’t required. Is this you? Are there any areas in your climbing in which you have a fixed mindset? If so, you’re missing out on reaching your full potential. A growth mindset is typical in the most successful individuals. They know that skill, strength, and ability is fluid and changeable. They know that hard work and dedication can take them to new heights. Where in your climbing and/or life can you improve your growth mindset?

Keep working hard to reach your goals! You never know how far that could take you. Tenacity and dedication usually pay off.